De-sexing is important for cats and dogs to prevent unwanted litters, aside from this it has now been shown to increase their lifespan, reduces potential diseases and reduces behavioural issues.  Cats can become sexually mature at four months of age and dogs by six months.

 What are the health benefits of desexing your cat or dog?

it is important to de-sex your pet before they become sexually mature. Early-age desexing happens at around three months. Younger pets tend to recover from the surgery faster, however, desexing is generally safe for older pets too.

Here are some great reasons why de-sexed pets are happier and healthier animals:

  • Desexing is an effective strategy to prevent unwanted pregnancies
  • It has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals
  • Desexed animals are less likely to suffer from diseases
  • Desexing eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer in males
  • It reduces the likelihood of mammary cancer and uterine infections in female pets
  • Desexing reduces behavioural problems such as roaming and aggression. This reduces the risk of injury in a fight or being hit by a car
  • It stops males from marking their territory with urine
  • It prevents mating behaviour and false pregnancy in females
  • Desexing can take away the distraction of sex hormones so they are more receptive and focused when it comes to training

Does my pet need to have a litter before I de-sex?

There is a often-held belief that females should have a litter before being de-sexed, however research has shown that this is not necessary and has no benefit.

Will my pet’s personality or body change after desexing?

Pets do not become more or less active after desexing. It will not impact their personality, but it may improve their temperament because they will not experience the discomfort of being on heat or the hormonal aggression.

Desexing is the most responsible choice you can make as a pet owner. In addition to numerous health and behavioural benefits you can help curb unwanted pregnancies that contribute to animal homelessness. If you have any questions or concerns about desexing, or if you’d like to book in to have your pet de-sexed, please get in touch.