Why is dental health important?
Like us humans, our pets need regular dental checks to help prevent dental disease and the pain that this can cause.
Dental disease often goes unnoticed by even the most caring of owners, so it is recommended that dental checks be performed regularly, e.g. every six months for senior pets.
Signs your pet may have dental disease.
- Distress and rubbing of the mouth.
- Bad breath.
- Loose or missing teeth.
- Loss of appetite or a preference for soft foods.
- Facial swelling.
- Bleeding or red gums.
- Chewing food in one side of the mouth only.
- Increased salivation.
Prevention of dental disease is important through all stages of your pet’s life. If left untreated it can cause other issues such as bone infection in the mouth and other areas of the body. If the infection enters the bloodstream it can affect organ function. Ask your veterinarian for advice.
Bring your pet in for a dental check and save $50 off dental procedures.
Call our team at Korumburra Vet on (03) 5658 3500 or Koo Wee Rup Vet on (03) 5997 3300.